Friday, November 2, 2007

Isle au Haut

So after a couple of days,.....we finally arrived in Stonington, Maine. There we had some home-made ice cream at a little ice cream store and then we went to load our things on to the boat. Uncle Leo and uncle Jerry, John and Mike arrived a little later, and so we loaded all our things together in two big boxes and then, with a bunch of other people we drove off. It was an about 45 minute ride. We unloaded and carried all our things up to the house which is not far away at all from the wharf. Julianna, Emmi and I were in one big room.
During the week we had lots of activities: We played Yahtzee all the time, we went to church, went to an auction for the local school , went to the light house, we ( or most of us ) even went for a long hike and Julianna, Mike and Ryan even jumped into theAtlantic Ocean. We cleaned th Opel, went to Long Pond to wash several times, and lots of other things.